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Atari Planet
(formerly known as InfoMan's Atari Page)
*** Home of the Atari
8bit Support BBS's List ***
here to see what Atari stuff I am currently selling!
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Digital Doomsday Clock
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Digital Postcard!
Atari 2600/5200/7800

Some scenes from Atari Classics, for Playstation (Quicktime Movie)
Atari Bugs, Tricks, Eggs, Cheats
2600/5200/7800 FAQ
Atari 5200 Supersystem FAQ
Programming Specifications for the Atari
PC Atari Emulator (2600 emulator)
Virtual 2600 (another emulator)
Virtual Super System (5200 emulator)
Stella (2600 emulator)
Okie Dokie - a NEW game for the 2600!
Manuals, image files, etc. for 5200
(Local Archive) - Files are rotated weekly
Atari 8-bit Computers

Atari 8-bit Computers: Frequently Asked Questions
Atari 8-bit Hardware Upgrade, Modification, and Add-on FAQ
Atari 8-Bit Computers: Vendors and Developers List
The Unofficial Atari 8-bit New User, Emulator Help FAQ
The following emulators are for the PC, unless otherwise stated:
Atari Peripheral Emulator (APE)
XL-It Atari 8-bit Emulator
PC Xformer
ACE (for Unix)
Atari800 (for Unix, PC, or Amiga)
Other files - games, apps, utilities,
DOSes, etc.
(Local archive - files are rotated weekly)
Atari Lynx
Lynx FAQ
Lynx Tips and Tricks
Atari Jaguar
Atari Jaguar FAQ
Atari Jaguar
Frequently Asked Cheats and Codes
Preview of Breakout
2000 (Quicktime Movie)
Preview of Towers 2
(Quicktime Movie)
Preview of Zero Five
(Quicktime Movie)
Preview of Battle Sphere
(AVI Movie)
Demo of VLM (Virtual
Light Machine) (Quicktime Movie)
Send me e-mail: trevor@holyoak.com